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Group of dolmens, village of Hlyabovo, Byalata treva locality Nachovi Chairi locality, Evdzika locality, Gaidarova Cave locality)
village of Hlyabovo, Byalata treva locality Nachovi Chairi locality, Evdzika locality, Gaidarova Cave locality) in Haskovo, BulgariaThe most popular is the so-called Royal Dolmen that lies in the locality of Byalata Treva, a few kilometres south of the village of Hlyabovo. The best-preserved three-chamber dolmen in the region of Sakar Mountain. The dolmen is oriented north-south with an entrance from the south. Dimensions of the two well-preserved chambers: front chamber - 1.60m x 1.40m and height of 1.60m, aperture size 0.70m x 0.80m; rear chamber: 2.50m x 1.85m and height of 2.15m; aperture size 0.80m x 0.65m.
Well-preserved is the two-chamber dolmen in Nachovi chairi locality. Its eastern part is partially destroyed. Dimensions - front chamber: length and width 1.40 x 1.40 m; height of 1.25 m; rear chamber: length 2 m, width 1.40 m, height 1.50 m; openings: 0.55 - 0.65 m. It is oriented along its longitudinal axis in a north-south direction with an entrance from the south.
A comparatively well-preserved is the two-chamber dolmen in Gaidarovi forest locallity. Missing are only the capstones that have been knocked down inside the dolmen. Around it there are large standing stones dug in the ground - the crepis.
А rock-hewn dolmen stuck into the ground - the dolmen has been hewn into a monolithic rock slab measuring 1.40 x 1.40m. Inside it there are numerous artificially carved holes, probably for decoration. One-chamber dolmen in Evdzika locallity with the two short sides missing. Dimensions: length 2.80m, width 0.80m, height - 1m.
They are part of an ancient Thracian necropolis. These dolmens are the first representatives of the monumental tomb architecture in the Bulgarian lands. The ancient Thracians used to lay the bodies of the dead inside them. Similar burial facilities were used in these lands during the period between the 12th and 14th century BC. The dolmen is situated among a beautiful oak forest, 4 km south of the village of Hlyabovo, and 9 km southwest of the town of Topolovgrad. Nearby is the Karamanovo Dam and the Kamenna Mogila (Stone Mound) locality believed to have been the site of a rock sanctuary.