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Delta of Evros River
Delta of Evros River in Evros, GreeceIt is one of the most important wetlands in Greece and Europe. With a total area of 95,000 hectares (80,000 hectares onshore, 15,000 hectares water area) it has been included in the list of protected areas of the Ramsar Convention (1971), due to its important host species. Part of the Delta is also designated as Special Protection Area and is proposed as a Community Interest Site on the Natura 2000 Network.
It is an ecosystem of international importance located at the southeastern area of the Regional Unit of Evros, 20 km away from Alexandroupolis. Evros river is the second largest river in Eastern Europe (430 km) and the largest in the Balkan Peninsula, while it is Greece's natural border with Bulgaria and Turkey.
Over a total area of 500,000 hectares, there is numerous of endangered species of world fauna and endow many rare plants of European flora. Many species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, and more than 40 species of mammals are living in the waters and small islands created in a majestic landscape of extraordinary beauty. In Delta of Evros river 304 bird species have been recorded from the total number of 423 bird species that are living in Greece. The phytogeographical interest of the area is quite interesting, as it hosts species that rarely occur in Greece. Furthermore, the ornithological interest of the area is also of great interest, as it is a natural habitat for rare or endangered species such as Mediterranean shag, Flamingo, Eagles, Swans, etc. The area also hosts 28 species of amphibians and reptiles, 40 species of mammals and 46 species of fish.