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Holy Church of Saint George at Soufli
The church has a royal roof with double stone floors in the women's room. Its roof rests on 12 cylindrical columns with ornate capitals and on them are the icons of the 12 Apostles. What impresses the foreign visitor, who for the first time enters such an old and historically valuable temple, is nothing but the carved iconostasis but also the pulpit and the Despotikon. Those foreigners who visited the temple since then remained and remain dazzled by the beauty of the wood carvings and especially by the way in which the sacred symbolism of the Christian tradition is imprinted on the exquisite iconostasis of the temple, while it is more than obvious that the Crucified and the symbolic images in the center of the Temple are more than a marvel of art! The masterfully made iconostasis is a work (1861) of the wood sculptor "Taliadouros" Stamatis Madytinos.