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Interreg Greece-Bulgaria



On 04.12.2017 in Soufli, Greece, the 1st Project meeting on the project „Promotion and development of natural and cultural heritage of Bulgarian – Greek cross-border region through smart and digital tools“, with acronym „eTOURIST“, Subsidy contract № В2.6с.07/09.10.2017 was held. The meeting was hosted Project Beneficiary 2 - DIMOSINETERISTIKI Evros SA. The meeting was attended by 13 participants - representatives of the four partners from Bulgaria and Greece, as follows:
- Poulilios Evangelos -  Mayor of Soufli and Vice President of DImossineteristiki Evros S.A;
- Kazakis Evangelos - Representative of Dimossineteristiki Evros S.A and General Manager;
- Thalia Vrachiologlou - Representative of Dimossineteristiki Evros S.A;
- Kavazidou Anastasia - Representative of Dimossineteristiki Evros S.A;
- Maltepiotis Athanasios - Representative of Dimossineteristiki Evros S.A;
- Kalliounis Ioannis - Representative of Dimossineteristiki Evros S.A;
- Rayna Yovcheva - Representative of RMA ”Maritza”;
- Anna Peeva -  Representative of RMA”Maritza”;
- Ivaylo Dobrev - Representative of RMA”Maritza”;
- George Bekiaridis - Representative of Active Citizens Partnership;
- Giannakidou Angeliki - Representative of Ethnological Museum of Thrace;
- John Koukmas - Representative of Ethnological Museum of Thrace;
- Valentini Sakratou - Representative of Ethnological Museum of Thrace.

During the meeting the partners discussed the following issues:
- Designation of the members of the Joint Project Management Team and the Project Management Committee;
- Presentation and discussion of project partners' tasks;
- Discuss the upcoming initiatives on the project;
- Preview of the time table of the activities.

Materials to the news
Promoting and developing the natural and cultural heritage of the Bulgarian-Greek cross-border region through smart and electronic instruments - eTOURIST

"This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are sole responsibility of and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat".

"The Project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme."
European UnionThe project is implemented with the financial support of the EU